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Malika's Offerings

Direct Source Connection

Malika channels your sound directly through Source and activates your Source Frequency as well into the sound. What it does is silence your mind for you and takes you into the dimension of experience. You get direct access to the Quantum Field, through which you get direct downloads through Source. This is a path of Self-Actualization. You are not only ascending your frequency but integrating it into your human self. The shifts in consciousness are happening in your daily life. These are the original sounds of creation. It is a seed of gnosis or truth that is given to you to water daily. As you do it daily, the frequency gets stronger and everything in your unconscious that is not of pure light starts to be released. The price is $400 for a 40 minute session and a 20 minute follow-up session.

Level 1 Direct Source Connection: Malika gives you one of the original sounds of creation as pertaining to your soul and activates those with your God (Source) Codes and Frequency.

Level 2 Direct Source Connection (Source Sound): Malika channels the sound directly for you through God (Source) and activates the God (Source) Codes within that. The Frequency Activation has to be purchased separately for the Source Sound.

Intuitive Healing

Malika heals core issues through Source directly for you to step into your highest Source alignment. This can include but is not limited to:
1. Clearing of past life and ancestral imprints behind health concerns and other issues across a wide spectrum. These are removed on the core energetic levels in the deepest dimensions.
2. Clearing of karmic contracts that are ready to be cleared through Archangel Michael as well as binding spells, curses, karmic bonds etc.
3. Discovering core root causes of any situations or triggers in your life.
4. Planting new seeds in your unconsciousness and clearing the path to manifest what you want.
5. Releasing any emotions and emotional imprints across all dimensions including from your inner child.
6. Clearing timelines to shift old realities and create space for new ones.
7. Rewiring programs in your unconscious as well as ancestral programs in your DNA.
The price is $175 for 30 minutes for a private healing session.

Frequency Activation

This is only for those who have already received their sound through the Direct Source Connection Sessions. Malika amplifies the sound further by adding more consciousness and energy to it. This activates your Source Frequency (your ray of light that goes directly into the Sun that Source is). As you melt into the Frequency, you start vibrating Source at a greater level. Certain intentions can also be put into the Frequency to amplify healing, manifestation etc. Frequency Activations are only done privately and the price is $75 for each 30 minute session.

About Malika

Malika is an Activator of Source Consciousness, an Intuitive Healer, and the Creator of the Direct Source Connection Technology which allows you to connect to your own Source directly and apply that connection to your daily life. Malika works through Source and her pure essence to heal and transform lives. Being a catalyst for soul growth and transformation, she does everything from resculpting traumatic moments and past lives to removing karmic contracts that block you from upleveling your frequency and moving into the next level of life. Through her strong intuitive gifts, she is able to feel into what you need at any given time and holds space for you to transform through Source directly. She is also able to strengthen your connection to Source through channelling your own personal Source Sound and Frequency. This is a path to self-actualize through Source and experience Source within yourself while coming back into emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical coherence. The original sound of creation and its frequency, when activated through your life-force, brings all parts of your life into resonance and harmony.


“Malika is truly amazing! She is by far the most gifted seer I’ve ever received guidance and assistance from, and her healing skills are incredibly effective! For many years, I’ve been struggling with a variety of emotional and karmic wounds I could not see clearly on my own. In just a few short months, Malika has helped me to clear and heal more than I’ve been able to do on my own for the past 4 decades! She is such a gem!”
Becky Boyrie
"Thank you for all you are doing for me and for those others that have found you from whatever brought them to you. What I see and feel from my heart - You are a new Guru of this new dawning Age of Enlightenment. What you are doing for me is transforming who and what I am. Thank you. I feel a deep connection to you as I told you from our first session. What I am “feeling” is the Primordial Sound is resonating in the “me” that is a nervous system BUT the Sound is also resonating Outside me. And what is happening, with me, is like the curtain between the two, that early in my life was like a blackout curtain at a movie theater, is becoming translucent. Now consisting of layers of gossamer fiber. During the recent Activation session there were what I could relate to as gossamer floating away from me that had been within my nervous system. I feel there is that growing Oneness (Unity), still beyond my “reach” BUT closer; that Unity BECOMING revealing Itself, within this nervous system, which is just an expression of that Unity, recognizing and becoming that Unity. You, as Malika, connected to Source, are a Blessing to this world, this Creation, and now with a growing appreciation of worldwide followers of your Grace and Love to and for all of us. I have a growing blossoming love focused to your mission that Source is unfolding through you. I bow down to your Divine mission to help us grow toward that realization of Source within and the Source outside of us is the same. Thank you"
Peter Goodman
"My work with Malika has been nothing short of miraculous. I first met her two months ago and she gave me the primordial sound and the frequency. During the rest of the day, I remained amazed by how different this energy felt from anything else I've experienced, how divine it felt, and how even the love aspect coming through it was distinct and more potent than I was used to. Since then I've had a couple of healing sessions with Malika, in which she clears karma, and regular frequency activation sessions, in which she upgrades the potency of the primordial sound and we decide on new intentions for the sound and frequency to work towards inside me automatically day and night. Primordial sound feels to me like the flame of divinity inside me that's kept burning by just meditating twice for half an hour daily. (I wish I were allowed to do more 🙂 ) And this meditation is the easiest and most enjoyable spiritual practice I've ever done. Because it's 'effortless meditation'. You don't even try to do it in a proper way. My dreams got much more vivid and intense on the first night and this has been going on since then without exception. I can see that my dreams are clearing karma, so even the nights are not wasted, and are utilised for my growth 🙂 Malika can see that this is indeed the case by connecting to me and looking at my mental body, and can even change the intensity of this process. Our healings sessions have been astounding, thanks to Malika's abilities to see clearly one's karma and the related chain of events in past lives, to clear them in an instant, to talk to the Source of Creation, Archangel Michael (one of her guides), one's Higher Self, and to channel the answer from these divine beings for any question one has. By the primordial sound, the frequency working inside me, and the healings I got from Malika, I cleared a lot of karma in these two months. How do I know this? I've been feeling emptier and clearer everyday in a good way. And I've really been enjoying this process. Like the human personality’s existence is slowly vanishing and getting out of the way of what's to come. (It's probably my subconscious mind getting emptier.) And my 'normal' meditations (not only primordial sound ones) have been getting clearer, easier and deeper. I can literally see the difference from one day to the next. Three days ago, when we were doing a frequency activation session, she received a message from my guides and hers, that told her to also add the intention "to move to the next level of my transformation" to my frequency. The next morning I noticed that I was aware of the Self all the time. (This is actually not the first shift I've had that I'd describe with this same sentence, but it's the most profound one yet.) It's been getting better since then. Today I realised that my peace hasn't been broken since then, even for a moment, by my thoughts or external events, despite being tested by the latter. My thoughts are mostly originating from Love, at least the important ones. My will seems to be aligned with the Universe and it all feels like one dynamic flow. Basically, I feel like Buddha 🙂 I'm so happy and excited about this. I feel blessed that my path has crossed with Malika and am very grateful to her for giving her heart's work to us and bringing the ultimate spiritual technology to our use."
"When I read about Malika's meditation on David Buckland's website (, I felt a strong urge to do this. She offered me that morning my primordial sound to meditate on and I accepted it and jumped into a new world, a new world I felt so at home with, literally I jumped into Source Bliss! Since then, the practice has been always a delight, not only the meditation as such is very deep but I feel happier and much more integrated in daily life. Truly I feel like I am reincarnated in my present life like I was born again that blessed morning. All gratitude to Divine Mother to have put Malika on my path, thank you Malika for your precious service. Love and blessings"
Pierre Lemieux
"Direct Connection to Source; somehow, somewhere within me, I had always wanted this all along without ever verbalizing it. I felt instantly at home with Malika, not knowing anything about her. She feels like a sister to me that I’ve always had and known for eons. There is this genuine, smooth-flowing connection of loving sweetness that I feel with her. I immediately took to her purity, her innocence, and her welcoming and affectionate embrace. Today, I am immensely thankful and blessed to have found her in my life, and to have been gifted this meditation practice. It has become the most important aspect of my daily living".
Aiswarya Preya
"My first time connecting with Malika I could feel the love of Source radiating so brightly through her. My experience of receiving this energy was literally the feeling of the words I LOVE YOU jumping out of my chest to the beat of my heart! Imagine Jim Carey in the mask when he first sees Cameron Diaz performing on stage. 😂 This experience attracted me even more to Malika but it was a great reminder of our oneness with Source. It was a literal namaste moment!!! *** I love you so much Malika! I’m grateful that Source brought us together! I’m grateful for all of the work that you do…helping all of humanity from the deepest and greatest level. Thank you!"
Oruba Abdullah
"Being in Malika’s presence is being in the presence of a beautiful Angel. She holds amazing, heartfelt, compassionate, sacred space. I immediately felt deeply seen, connected, accepted, and supported with the gentlest loving Divine energy. Through a session and primordial sound meditation I have experienced profound positive shifts, Divine Alignment and Source connection. The channeled messages that have come through her from Source have been phenomenal. Her work is Source aligned and emanates pure unconditional love and support. I am deeply grateful to have found her."
Kya Moon
"I’ve been peeking through the door crack to the world of spirituality for years now, but Malika has burst the floodgates open and enriched my life with a sea of new information and experiences. Malika’s abundant energy and enthusiasm for her craft is infectious. It is inspiring to see her be taken over by the excitement of her discoveries, whether it’s a message she receives from the several guides she’s tuned into, or a new insight she learns about her client. Every session with Malika is like traveling to an alternative universe. I take copious notes and wish to carry with me at least a tiny flicker of the magic that is inevitably unfolding in our shared space. Malika is a unique being, I call her my spiritual coach. I feel fortunate that the universe brought us together and I look forward to continuing our divine adventure."
Agnes Tusjak
"I was very fortunate and blessed to have been introduced to Malika's work and I have benefited hugely both emotionally and spiritually from her wisdom. Malika's essence is of the purest and brightest light. She is a catalyst for change and I highly recommend working with her."
Geraldine Hinchion
"Malika is my beautiful sister soul. Connecting with her fills my heart with so much joy. I don’t really have words for it. Her initiation through Source for me was so powerful. I could feel it in my crown chakra and spine afterwards. Primordial Sound Meditation is a powerful path."
Karen Wollesen
"I'm so glad I followed my intuition to learn my mantra through you. It's been 2 weeks now and although I have not followed the timetable 100% I am still feeling results. The most notable is alleviation of pain I experience in my right side, it's constant and I've become use to it, after trying so many remedies it hasn't subsides. I have felt the pain shift during meditations and after I'm like wow, that area isn't excruciating anymore. Such a wonderful feeling of relief, and it encourages me to delve further. I have also had several releases where I revealed myself more to others and then burst into tears.. So not my usual self, but I was accepting of it. Not shamed or guilty for not being strong, and following story protocols."
Seini Pitt
"Malika is a beautiful pure soul. Connecting with her was joyful and light. It felt like connecting with soul family. I have been doing the Primordial Sound Meditation for a few weeks now and I have a stronger clearer connection to my I AM Presence, which has brought me such joy, stability and calmness. My connection with earth and the nature kingdoms has become deeper, richer and more vibrant. My personal relationships have become easier and more graceful. I am receiving more love, respect and abundance in my daily experiences. Physically, my body feels lighter, happier and healthier. My telepathy and intuition has become stronger and clearer. I am more honouring and loving to myself. I know this is just the beginning and there is so much more to unfold for me - I feel a new excitement for Life. With much love and gratitude Malika for being the bridge for this experience."
Donna Rotert
United Kingdom
"It was my first meditation sitting down so I'm still not completely used to it, but it was PHENOMENAL!!!!! I was supported by a chair for the last 10 minutes, but I saw so many things and felt such Joy and bliss it's hard to put in words... I'm so grateful for you and for your team, and for mine! It's amazing to wake up into a world where everything is possible... I never thought I'd have that. I love my mantra and my meditations, it's stays transformative every day 🙂 I'm grateful for you and for the blessings you bring 🌺"
Dounyah Elisheva
"My awareness with regards to my ego is also getting better day by day. I am identifying more and more beliefs and I am working on them together with my higher self. You showed me how to contact it. I often see a picture or feel into a situation where the belief had been born so to speak. Last time, we were looking at the control issues and cleared it. And as a result my digestion is improving!! Constipation is remarkable better than it had been for a long time now🤩 Thank you for showing me the way. Blessings"
Carina Bolz-Friedmann
"Malika, your story was the most beautiful transmission. I have found Primordial Sound meditation to be an effective and transformational meditation in my daily practice. The shifts I feels daily are amazing. Thank you! Malika provided a safe and loving chalice for me to explore my wounds from my childhood and then gave loving guidance with the healing process. Through her insights we were able to go very deep, to the root, to release that which was ready to be let go of. Her guidance and insights will continue to assist me on my journey of life. In gratitude, I wish you many blessings on your journey."
Sandy Gallant
"I'm so blessed that I met you. In the past 3 1/2 months, you have helped me through through my intense grief and so many other things. I feel a lot different today. Thank you with a HUGE heart of appreciation and love!!"
Laurie Martin
Florida, USA
"Thank you once again for the amazing Primordial Sound Meditation session this past Saturday. It was so powerful! This has been a tremendous blessing! You are a tremendous blessing! Thank you so much for the work that you do and the gifts that you share! You have touched me so deeply and are helping me to take the next step in my soul’s journey. So profound! Blessings to you!" With love and gratitude,
Debbie Griffith
"THANK YOU so much for our session yesterday!!! I did the 30 min in the evening and again this morning, it's an indescribable experience and I'm in an absolute awe!! You are so beautiful and I just love you! What you give is priceless, so precious and sacred, I have no words to thank you for it! I’ve been enjoying the gentleness of the frequencies!"
Nici Melotto
"Thank you so much for being an angelic channel for Divine blessings and guidance in connecting to Source through Primordial Sound Resonance. Since childhood, I've received countless Spiritual Desserts in my journey through life and my spiritual quest to have a more personal, direct connection to Source; however, Primordial Sound Resonance was the icing on the cake!!! A million thanks to you, to God, and the Ascended Ones for this invaluable gift."
Ischa Lea
California, USA
“One day I received an email regarding the Pure Presence Conference, and I wondered if I should join and try to connect with my higher self, one more time, after years of trying to but failing miserably. I am 70 years old and thought maybe it was too late, even wondered “why bother?”. As soon as I saw Malika’s picture I knew, I just knew, this girl was the one who could help me. I booked a session with her and at the end of that session I was filled with hope and gratitude. I was brought to tears I was so thankful for her guidance. I chose to have more sessions with Malika and I’m convinced she is a gift from God, for me, for everyone. “
Heather Johnson